Getting Back into the Saddle
Over my 25 years of coaching people of all levels and horses competitively or for leisure, I have noticed that friends and clients really suffer in silence with real FEAR issues that STOP them from moving forward with their horses. I have seen many woman really get a sense of disappointment in themselves as if they have failed as they struggle trying to get a grasp of the on-going panic attacks they endure.
‘Getting back in the Saddle’ is designed for woman or men that have had:
• A long break from riding
• Recent child birth and mother instinct has you SUPER sensitive to your survival
• Getting over sickness or an accident
• A relationship break up that has taken away your PASSION & MOTIVATION
• FEAR issues that have become out of control and worse as time passes
• People misunderstanding your fear for an excuse and strips your confidence more
Karen White will teach you the importance of ritual safety cue’s & training technics for your mind, body & your soul that help keep you focused when feeling overwhelmed or vulnerable. The mind is a powerful muscle and with the right information, can change the way we think, forever.
Having Confidence is a necessity for life and empowers ‘all riders’, men and women, to experience an amazing session with their favourite equine through conscious thought process. Horse riding and training can give us a sense of accomplishment and peacefulness, it’s not just a ‘surface happiness’, it is an ancient connection that comes from the depths of our inner self with nature.
Life can throw us all curve balls and change everything in an instant, affecting our confidence and one of them maybe to get ‘Getting Back in the Saddle’. The right horse will give you their AUTHENTIC POWER of healing energy. PTSD is caused through trauma and can be experienced by anyone at any given time in life. When we are so full of fear, we block the connection between our horse and ourselves. Our instincts are our SAFETY Mechanism ‘sixth sense’ which we need to listen to but not be reactional to, we need to just acknowledge – and act quickly in a calm, safe approach.
This workshop is for anyone that hasn’t been in the saddle for an extended period of time due to circumstances/injury etc. It is the best place to start to rebuild the confidence in yourself to further your training and learn to ENJOY your passion again. This workshop is all about positive learning. “If it’s happened to you- it’s happened to someone else”
This is a safe place to rebuild your confidence and get you back in the saddle!