TEEN to TWEEN camp out at Mohegan 12-13 January 2019!

TEEN to TWEEN camp out at Mohegan 12-13 January 2019!

TEEN to TWEEN camp out at Mohegan 12-13 January 2019!

Come and enjoy the fun, educational sleep out under the stars at Mohegan

12-13 January 2019!!

5pm – 8pm Saturday
7am – 10am Sunday

Morning tea presentation for parents upon collection of their children at 10.30am Sunday

$125.00 includes BBQ & cereal/ toast fruit breakfast

Covering –

  • Introducing Liberty work in the round pen
  • Understanding soft feel in the bridle
  • The importance of balance for the rider & the horses comfort
  • Trot poll fun for warm up
  • Obstacles to challenge your skills
  • Educational movie evening Saturday night

Limited Mohegan horse’s so be quick to secure your position via email below. No position held until a 50% deposit is received to secure your booking.

Ideal for the intermediate young rider aged from 11-16 years wanting to have a deeper horsemanship connection the MOHEGAN WAY……

Current working with Children card available for viewing



Things to bring

  • Snacks and any games that would be fun for Saturday evening e.g. twister
  • Drink bottle
  • Tent and sleeping bag
  • Chair, block out and hat and helmet
  • Approved riding foot wear ( No sneakers)
  • Portable yard – limited yards available so be quick if you need to book one
  • Poo scoop
  • Ground fee is $20.00 per pony or horse

So get started, email now so you don’t miss your Mohegan experience in the Swan Valley
1594 Gnangara Road, Henley Brook